Yew connects your inner self to your higher self.


Each practitioner at YEW is a spiritual medium of some type. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines medium as something in a middle position; a means of effecting or conveying something; a go-between, intermediary.

When we enter a session, we see ourselves as just that.  A person in a middle position between you and the spirit realm.  We are the facilitators to channel communication, to convey information and messages; and to act as an intermediary of healing energy for you on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes.

We invite you to journey to better understand your unique spiritual path, values, and goals. Finding the right teacher, healer, coach or intuitive practitioner can connect you to your power within. Profound change is possible when you are in balance, harmony, and awareness of who you are meant to be.

We can only see a reflection of ourselves in others. That is why the YEW makes it a point to provide a variety of perspectives on any given subject we choose to share in the path towards love, light, health, and wellness. The ultimate purpose of this website is to allow you the chance to see yourself as who you truly are; whole, healed, and complete.

There is only one journey. Going inside yourself.
— Ranier Maria Rilke

Why Yew?

The Yew tree is ancient and has bear witness to many changes over many lifetimes. Yew trees are difficult to destroy and even more difficult to know their age. If one small living part remains connected to the earth, it will regenerate. As the tree ages, growth can happen both within and on the outer layers. The older layers provide support for new growth. Just like so many of us as we (re)discover who we are.

Plus yew trees have connections to the fairy realm. And who doesn’t love fairies? If you are interested in more about the connection, read this.