What is a Medium?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines medium as something in a middle position; a means of effecting or conveying something; a go-between, an intermediary. When a “psychic” enter a session, they see themself as just that.  A person in a middle position between you and the spirit realm.  A channel for communication to convey information and messages; an intermediary of healing energy for you on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes.

Typically, people think of mediumship as a person who can connect with deceased loved ones on the other side.  That is possible, however, its true definition is much broader. Being a medium allows one to channel energy from the spirit world to the physical plane. Allowing each session to permit the spirit world to convey messages of guidance for your highest good.  

{ medium.Merriam-Webster.com. 2022. https://www.merriam-webster.com (1 March 2022). }