More about Katy…


I have spent two decades working on bettering myself, learning, growing, and evolving. I think of myself as a person, just like you. The only difference now, is I have learned how to tap into the higher realms or dimensions which allow me to lose the illusion of separateness from Divinity. For most of us, that’s a learned belief from old religious dogma, layered with familiar and cultural emotional thought systems that have been built on fear, lack, and worry.

Knowing with every ounce of my being that my birthright is being one with Divinity, light, and love, all has allowed me to add the label of Lightworker to my human identity. I am also an artist, a mom, a sister, a wife, a friend, a teacher, and a lifelong learner.

I read people.  I learned at a young age, the importance of knowing how to ‘read the room’ and the emotional well-being of the people around me from my dad. His motive for me to learn was somehow connected to his archaic version of femininity from the dark ages.  However, what it did teach me was how to lean into my intuition. He would take me out and ask me to look around a room and see what people were thinking.  His techniques were based on facial expressions and body language most of the time.  Being young and with limited life experience, I didn’t get most of what he told me he saw.  So, I started looking for the signs I could see. It turns out, those signs were listening and trusting clairsentience and claircognizance.  

My mom was into metaphysics before it was called that. I guess I’m lucky to have grown up around ‘New Age’ concepts like Reiki, The Course in Miracles, (ACIM), and other nontraditional concepts and therapies incorporating universal life force energy. I always thought of these things as world religions. They all teach the same basic tenets. Some just use words that are more culturally acceptable depending on where you live. Life force energy is similar. Many cultures accept the unseen and immeasurable. Traditional research or scientific instrumentation changes constantly.  Just because we don’t have a term to explain something yet, makes it no less worthy or believable.  Gravity was no less real before it was defined by Newton.

I started my own path into the woo-woo when I had an “awakening” experience on a trip to the northwest coast of Ireland. As I tried to recreate that feeling of being connected to the all, I decided to take a Reiki class taught by a long-time friend. After a year of personal Reiki practice, I discovered my inner mantra.  I choose me.  When I truly lean into putting my own oxygen mask on first, I trust and recognize my inner knowing more.  That’s why I love the quote, “Life begins the moment you decide to start being yourself.” 

I am and always will be intuitive.  I have and always will be able to sense past loved ones.  I am and always have been an energy healer. Knowing when it’s my ego and life experience versus spirit’s guidance is nuanced.  Each time I allow myself to connect to others, I am reminded of how it feels to be in the presence of truth, and the pure love and joy of the All, God, Spirit, Universal Truth, (insert your own term). That gift of knowing is truly a gift, because it reminds me to be myself.  You and I are not so different.


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