Feeling Stuck
I feel stuck. Do you feel stuck?
How do I get unstuck?
Relax back into your body.
Down, down, down. Deep into the security of the Earth’s energy.
Ground, ground, ground. Grounding is the act of tethering yourself to the earthly experience. All that you do in this life is through the eyes of Earth. I believe you have a saying, you must know where you come from to leave? Knowing you are of the earth and the earth itself, allows you to know yourself and that way not be swayed or altered by other consciousness. When you ground, you are anchoring into your knowing.
The Earth holds each of us. The Earth is one with all of us. We are made of the same DNA. Feel your connection to the Earth. Feel yourself tethered to the Earth’s love and the complete acceptance of you.
Just the way you are. Just where you are. Just how you are.
I am loved. You are loved.