I can stand in a crowded room and feel completely alone. But if I am standing in nature, I feel at peace and one with all. That is because when I am standing in the presence of another human, I can hide from myself. I turn away from my authentic nature. I shut down the wisdom of my body. I silence the truth of my soul.
I hide.
You hide.
We all hide.
We deny our connection with others every time we look for the differences instead of seeing the wholeness of us all. We deny our connection with others every time we look for the differences instead of seeing the wholeness of us all. We end up seeing ourselves as alone…lonely. Believing that we are not connected.
(How do we feel connection?)
See others as beautiful and wholly. We belong together. We need one another to see ourselves. Find and honor the humanity within. Then, we can reconnect to ourselves and to each other.
I need you.
You need me.