Love Yourself Into Wholeness

"Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded." - Budha

There is nothing to fear. 

I am held. 

I am loved. 

I am safe. 

My worry is not needed. The outcome may not be as expected but I will be okay. 

How do I trust this to be true?

You know.  You know as much as the sun rises and sets each day.  You know as the wind blows.  

Make me believe.

We can not do this.  We can only show you what we see.  You make up your own mind when you look.  That is the way.  That is part of the human experience.  You can love any part of yourself into wholeness.  That is what we want you to do.  Love yourself into the wholeness.  Love yourself into the healedness of life.  There isn’t judgment when a tree is injured.  It scabs and grows.  It does not think of itself as less than or less “deserving” because of the damage.

You are worthy.

You are whole. 

You are loved. 

We can not say this enough.  Because it is the truth and the truth of what is.  It is as true as there is no beginning or end of any great energy.  Choose to hold sadness or disbelief towards yourself or you can choose the truth to set yourself free.




Be The Ocean