My dear one...
The heart. The heart is where the ground and the air meet.
Who is this speaking, you ask? I am you. I am me. I am other. I am earth. I am the sky. I am land. I am a bird. I am light. I am an earthworm. I am the energy that holds and anchors you in this three-d consciousness. I am your thoughts and feelings. I am where all creation exists.
Just be. Start with yourself each day. Do not allow others into this time when you connect, ground, and rediscover your presence… your essence. Presence and essence are one and the same. One is of the mind and one is of the heart.
Your time is your time alone. A reminder of where you were and where you are going. No matter the circumstances of the day. Being one does not change the day-to-day. It changes the perception of the day-to-day. Being in love with the experience and being in love. Reconnecting to your essence is how you find the love of the moment. Seeing love in each moment allows you to see love for each being’s essence in front of you.
Essence is in the bird. Essence is in the forsythia. Essence is in the sunlight as well as the moon. Essence is even in the darkness. Waiting to be seen. Darkness does not cover the essence it only hides its truest nature.
(I don’t understand. )
You don’t have to. It’s knowing. It’s a state of being. Not seen but felt.
(How do I build a love for the self?)
By trust, truth, and presence of mind. Love your body. Love your soul. Love your mind. Love your essence. Love. Love. Love. Go now in peace, love, and beauty for the day.
Now go, and begin.