Katy’s Courses
I love teaching…
I can’t help myself. My name should have been Sharon.
Cultivating Your Psychic Voice
August 17-November 2
Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm
(12-weeks in Person)
$666 ($222/MONTH)
What if I told you, that all of us have the ability to be psychic?
Being psychic is really just learning to listen to your own body and intuition. We are built to gut feelings. We are built to know our gifts and truest nature. We are continually trained to ignore what “primitive” people embodied.
This 12-week class builds your embodied intuitive presence while designing intuitive stage marks, and how to collaborate with Spirit to help facilitate deeper understanding. We will meet weekly for 90 minutes. Each class will have instruction, practice, and sharing times. For a little more about the focus of the course, see below how the course is structured.
I have taken several Intuitive & Channeling Intensives, Mediumship Classes, Akashic Record Classes, and an Embodied Gridding & Grounding Class. Each class has given me valuable information and bolstered my toolbelt. However, it wasn't until I learned how psychic abilities are completely individual, that my understanding deepened. I am continually learning the characteristics of MY intuitive lens.
In a way, it's very similar to art-making. I am a working artist and have taught art to others for the past 20+ years. In my experience, the actual procedural steps of making art, really depend on the individual. Practice allows personal knowledge of one’s process. But, when starting out, you emulate the process your teacher demonstrates. So, if two teachers teach the same thing but go about doing it differently, is one of them wrong? NO! You really can't “art” wrong. It’s just a matter of preference and each person's different 'voice.’ Just like each student can accomplish an assignment but because they are creating from their unique lens of experience, their two interpretations can look NOTHING alike.
Part I: Embodied Intuitive Presence
Learn how each energy center holds intuitive information to be discovered. Your body is your greatest resource of information from Spirit. Every person has this intuitive gift. Culturally, we are taught to disconnect from the truth of our bodies early in life. Learning to tune in and listen is the key to honing and honoring your innate intuitive abilities.
Part II: Designing Intuitive Stage Marks
As sovereign beings, we decide how we want to communicate with spirit. Constructing clear parameters allows us to streamline information as it comes in and take some of the guesswork out of ‘nonverbal communication.’ We all have preferences and knowledge to build from. Learn how to ask spirit for succinct information and specific evidence to convey spirit’s messages.
Part III: Dancing with Spirit
Intuitive work is like choreography. Every dancer can learn a specific routine, but the magic happens when they make it their own. Intuitive magic happens when we fully embody our personalized presence and our personalized communication strategy. This collaboration with spirit has the potential for deep healing. Whether that healing is for you or others, this is a collective gift.
Reconnecting to your Higher Self in Daily Life
60-minute weekly online coaching class
15-minute weekly audio lesson
Weekly Mantra
$99 monthly
Do you find yourself struggling to integrate what you know as a spiritual being with who you are in your human experience? Sometimes when we try to be who we want to be, we end up seeing ourselves as separate from our day-to-day selves. Yes, they are one but how do we integrate our spirit self with our human self?
This class will focus on techniques and strategies to remind ourselves of who and what we are at any given moment. Whether you are dealing with a co-worker or an estranged family member. Learn to have practical and purposeful in-the-moment steps to drop back into, when fear, pain, doubt, or worry creep into your practice.
What we learn to do is how to consistently drop down into our bodies and connect to our essence That essence gives us the presence to be in the moment and not see our surroundings through the lens of our past experiences.
We have been taught to meditate to (re)center ourselves. This practice is like meditation with our eyes open. Living and loving through our senses. The echoes of our past are just that. Echoes. We choose what to focus on. We choose what we see in every experience. And our point of view is and will always be unique to us.
This one-month program is something that can be taken repeatedly or just once. Each class is a new layer within ourselves and our lives.
Foundations for Beginners
6-hour In Person Class
10 am - 4 pm
The literal translation of the word Reiki is universal life force (rei) and energy (ki). Reiki has been used for centuries to aid in the healing of the mind, spirit, and body. The technique was developed in Japan by Mikao Usui. It is primarily administered by the laying on of hands. It is based on the idea that all living things have a special energy flowing through them. Using one’s palms to transfer this energy to another person, the self, or any other living organism. It does not come from the practitioner but is believed to flow through them.
In this 6-hour workshop, you will be given the tools and techniques to create a Reiki practice for yourself and learn how to treat others. You will also learn what Reiki is, how it works, and receive an attunement to open and clear your own life force energy.
In addition to your time in the workshop, you will receive:
Reiki I manual
Reiki-infused crystal chakra set
Certificate of completion of Reiki Level I
30 days of follow-up practice support